Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Like always, I've been pretty busy, and tired lately from the healing process after the surgery. My work was wonderful last week and with a Dr.'s note, I was able to do some admin work around our center so I could heal completely, I was so thankful for that! It helped a lot and I was reminded how much I love admin work and seeing my kiddos. I am still healing, and there is still some soreness and pain after work especially, but overall, I'm feeling wonderful.

A little update on our paperwork: We sent in our application the day after my surgery, and received our dossier on Tuesday. Wow, talk about some paperwork and work in general for that! Every piece of paper has to be notarized and certified, it makes it espcially diffucult when we aren't the ones signing most of the paperwork, but the more I call around, the more I'm finding companies have their own notary, yay God!! Yesterday I sent in our homestudy paperwork and our last reference for the homestudy. Hopefully they will get that soon and we can start scheduling dates for them to come to our house :)

I had my spazout moment on Sunday, where I was overwhelmed with paperwork and frustrated, that I couldn't just get my birth certificate easier. I was venting to Kyle about how frustrating it is, that people just get pregnant, and they don't have to apply for anything, or prove that they are going to be good parents, but we do. We talked about a lot of things in that car ride, and we are both so sure that God isn't giving us more than we can handle.

Even this morning, we were talking about whether I would go back on medicine to help us have our own children, and we decided no. I know that may seem crazy, but for this past year, we have or should I say "I" have been trying to control this situation of bearing our own children. We decided its up to God, and maybe we aren't supposed to have our own, but we have the hearts for adoption. It is God's will, and as tough as it may be sometimes, He has a plan much bigger than we can see :) I'm excited and scared about that at the same time.

This has been a healing week for me, and I'm thankful for it. It has been hard times, and I've cried, and I've been excited. I can't wait to get this paperwork going, and see where this path takes us.

Love to all!!

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