Sunday, August 21, 2011


Just a quick update before I fall asleep :)

I am feeling much better today as far as moving around goes. I'm still pretty slow and slumped over a little bit to compensate for the pain in standing all the way straight up, but overall, I can get off the couch much easier than before. We went to TJMaxx today and Barnes and Noble, probably for an hour total and I was really tired. It's amazing how such a small surgery can make your body so weak and so tired all the time.

I'm so thankful for Kyle and all he has done and put up with the past few days. I will miss being with him all day when we go to work tomorrow. I am a little nervous to be back tomorrow, since I'm still healing and have open wounds around my abdomen, which is the spot where most of our kiddos are. I also get very tired pretty quickly, so some prayers for tomorrow would be lovely. :)

I will say, I imagine this is somewhat like a pregnant person feels like, in getting up off a couch or a chair, and sitting down as well. You can't just plop down anymore, it's funny. Hopefully I'm preparing myself for what that will feel like.

Time to say goodnight, but I will be posting about a lovely conversation I had with my spectacular mother in law and an extremely moving documentary Kyle and I watched this evening. :)

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