Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thankful Thursday

A couple things I am thankful for today:

* Thankful that God has put adoption on Kyle and I's heart, we truly feel blessed to have that wired in us.
* Thankful for Kyle in all of this, he has been my rock.
* Thankful for a loving, caring, and encouraging family as we head down this path.
* Thankful that Kyle and I both have good jobs.
* Thankful for the weather right now... It has been beautiful and I wish it could stay like this.
* Thankful for the mother who will be bearing our child, but loving her child enough to do what's best for them.
* Thankful for all the support from everyone.

Thanks so much everyone!! I hope you all have a wonderful day and weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your words and I to am thankful that you BOTH have a heart for Gods eyes a child is a child and they all deserve a loving family and a safe and warm home to grow up in. I feel so blessed to know that my future Grandchild will grow up with 2 loving parents that are as committed to their child as they are to each other...and that Jesus will be the heart and soul of that family!! Love always, MiMi Chaffee
