Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Love of Family

So I said I would update about a lovely conversation I had with my mother in law, Sandy. It was Saturday afternoon and I was feeling tired and honestly defeated about the information we got from the Dr. On Friday I had a great attitude about everything, but Saturday was just an off day I guess. Sandy called to check on me and see how I was feeling. She was telling me that she had done some research and found that a lot of people end up getting pregnant with only one tube and one ovary working. It was really nice to hear  this stuff, because I hadn't done research and was feeling like it was impossible.

I was telling her how I just found out one of my best friends told me she was pregnant two nights before, and how excited I was about it!! :)  She said I'm so sorry that you have to keep hearing about other people getting pregnant, and for some reason it's not you...yet. She had wise words though: I know how much I love my kids and I would never want to hurt them, and God loves you so much more and He isn't doing this to hurt you Megan. Maybe this is His way to remind you, that your turn will come and not to give up.

We  continued to talk about things and how we both agree this will be a true miracle by God if we do end up pregnant, but she didn't end there. She said, even if you don't have your own and I so hope you do, you and Kyle are adopting. Honestly, there aren't many people your age that would do that.

It was such a good reminder, that God has placed this adoption on our hearts for a reason and He has a much bigger plan than any of us can see or even fathom. It was also a great reminder that our family and our friends are so supportive of what we are choosing to do.

So, thank you Sandy for your sweet words and your kind heart. Kyle and I have a great influence from you and Steve and we couldn't be more thankful for you both.

On Sunday night Kyle and I were searching around on Netflix and found a really neat documentary that we wanted to watch. It's called "God Grew Tired of Us." I will admit, I was really tired and thought I wouldn't be real into it, but boy was I shocked!!! This was probably the most amazing thing I had watched. It was about a group of boys called, The Lost Boys of Sudan. This group of boys, had to flee their beautiful and lush country because of a war. They fled to Ethiopia, but when their government went under, they had to flee again. They ended up in Kenya with not nearly as many boys as they had started out with.

They started their own village and they were all like brothers. There is an organization that brings some of the boys to the US to live here and to find jobs and give them opportunities. I won't go into too many details, but they follow 3 young men and the hearts of these guys were amazing. They would work 2 or 3 jobs and would send a lot of their money back to their village, or their family. They struggled with things in the US, like how rude people were, how they didn't get to see each other nearly as much as they'd like, and why we celebrate Christmas the way we do.

I laughed and I cried, and it was so moving and really made me think. At the end of it, Kyle and I looked at each other and wanted to adopt the young men in the documentary. It is very clear to us, that we are following God's leading right now and being obedient about the adoption process. It also made me think of how important it's going to be to spend good quality time with my family that we will soon have.

Another happy note, we will be sending in our Homestudy paperwork on Monday, and we got our Dossier yesterday. It is a lot of notarizing of papers and lots of typing, but I plan on being very diligent and getting it done quickly.

Sorry about the long post, but thanks for reading!! I am very tired from work today, so I'm going to rest and make some dinner.

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