Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Finished Dossier

This will be a brief update.  :)

We sent in our dossier on Friday, and I'm hoping IAN has received today. YAY!! We are done, well almost. I found out we have a couple more classes to take through IAN and then we will be on the waiting list. We will be on 5 different waiting list: baby boy and girl, toddler boy and girl, and siblings. I talked to our agency yesterday about the sibling thing and how they knew they would be true siblings etc. She said that they have to be brought into together with the same parent(s). So, on our home study report we put we would accept up to age 3. We were very happy with this decision until yesterday. The likely hood of 2 children under the age of 3 really limits us. So Kyle and I have now opened up to non-siblings.

You're probably thinking, whats the big deal? You will raise them as siblings anyway. In that regard yes, we will and we don't care if they are true siblings or not. But, it of course costs more money. We aren't talking about thousands more, so it really isn't big deal at all, just another hurdle to jump over while we finish up this process, and begin to wait. We will remain on all the lists as of right now, because you never know when twins can be carried in through those doors ;) Ha, how fun would that be?! So crazy busy, but so much fun too.

We are sending in our USCIS stuff shortly as well. This is the US government giving us permission to adopt an orphan or two. This process takes quite awhile, but IAN is super and they will let us be in the waiting lists before that part is finished.

Now that all the paperwork is finished, I'm going to start some more :) I'm going to start applying for some grants and there is a lot more that goes into that than I originally thought. I wanted to apply to ShowHope by Halloween, but there is a lot of paperwork and documents that I want to really take my time on. So, I've decided to scratch that deadline and shoot for New Year's Eve. ShowHope was created by Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife Mary Beth. They have absolutely amazing hearts, and have such a neat story. If you don't know much about them, I would really do some research, or you can go to  If you guys know of any other places to apply for some grants, any info would be super helpful! :)

Well friends, I have lots to talk about, so I will post again soon. (hopefully) Have a great Wednesday and keep warm!

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