Thursday, February 5, 2015

Days, weeks, months...

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, and months turned into comparison.

On a daily basis, something will come up and I think to myself, I should blog about that. Then, not even a split second later, another crosses my mind... Why would anyone want to read what you have to say.

This has been an ongoing struggle lately, and it has taken me a lot of time to actually sit down and write this. I've thought about how I would re-introduce the blog, what should I talk about, etc. As I've been chewing on those thoughts, I came to realize, blogging is great for me. If someone stumbles upon it, then wonderful! Otherwise, I want to do this for myself. It's not about what others think, or the fact that my blog may no be as "big" as some others.

So, here I am.... jumping back into things. Most of my posts have been about our adoption journey and everything that has come with that. There will most definitely be posts about adoption and our journey, and what will come next. But, now there are lots of things I want to talk about. So here's to getting back into it, not comparing, and posting more often than every 6 months.

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