Monday, November 7, 2011

Waiting List

We have officially been on the waiting list for two weeks! :) YAY!!!!

We are on 5 different lists:
Infant Girl: 38
Infant Boy: 23
Toddler Girl: 23
Toddler Boy: 15
Siblings: 18

I've been so excited about this, and I kept thinking about how I can't wait to update everytime we move up the list. But, then I got to thinking... people who get pregnant get to do a big reveal about the gender and I have always wanted to do something like that. So, with that being said, I will tell you we are now 17 on the siblings, but that's about it. I may throw out some numbers every once in awhile, but I won't put labels on them and they will not be in the same order. Now, my mom isn't too thrilled about this, because she wants to know, but we want it to be exciting too. So, whenever we get a referral and except it, we are going to throw a gender party with at least family and have everyone guess and then reveal it! This may sound corny, but I cannot wait to do this. :)

Since we got on the waiting list we have still been throwing around the thought of one or two. We have gotten lots of feedback from family and friends, but if anyone has anything else to add, we would love to hear it. I read a quote on pinterest the other day that said "do you pray about it, as much as you talk about it?" It was such a perfect time for me to read that too, so Kyle and I have been praying every night for wisdom and guidance on what to do. We know that we can do the up front cost everything, but we want to make sure that they will have the best lives that we can give them.

I've been reading all kinds of blogs today, and it was such a good reminder on some of them that its not about us, but it's about the kids. Even though we may need to give up some material things and things we like to do on an every week basis, we will be giving a child(ren) a loving home. That's what is important.

We are excited to keep going down this road and look forward to what the Lord is going to be revealing to us.

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