Saturday, November 19, 2011


I should really have titled this as : Patience or lack there of. That is exactly what I'm feeling right now, which seems crazy because its only been about 5 months since we started this process.

Today we had Thanksgiving with Kyles side of the family and it was so great being with everyone, but today was much harder than I expected or even thought actually. My favorite part of the day was when we were all in the living room and we were all laughing and playing with the boys. (our  4 year old nephew, 1 year old nephew, and 7 month old cousin) It was a blast and we were laughing so hard at times we couldn't catch our breath almost. There were parts of me that were so sad though, because I know it will be such a long time before I can do that with our kids. It made me long for those kids so much, it made my heart hurt. I'm tearing up as I write this right now. I wish it was tomorrow that I could meet our children, hug them, and give them sweet kisses all over their faces.

I know that God makes us wait sometimes and this is one of those times. He still has big plans while we wait, but boy is it hard. I was telling Kyle on the way home, its so hard because even though we are on the waiting list, we have no idea who our children are going to be. When you're pregnant its so different, you know they are growing, moving, and that they are yours. Its such a different experience that not a lot of people can compare to. But, God will show us what this waiting time is for, and I can't wait. I know the wait will be so worth it too. I have to just keep reminding myself of that, and pray even more for our children.

A couple other quick updates:
We got our appointment from USCIS to get our finger prints. :) That will be Dec. 9th at 2pm. WOO HOO!! After we get accepted by them, it will all be sent to Ethiopia.

I have been in pain for the last couple weeks and I have been brushing it off, but my sister in law insisted I go see someone. I'm glad she did, because we found out on Tuesday that I have 2 cysts on my ovary and its causing a lot more issues than my past cyst and A LOT more pain. With that being said, I have to have surgery AGAIN... Dec, 5th. I'm hoping it comes quickly so I can be relieved from the pain. It's nice knowing the surgery I'm going into because I'm not nervous, but I am dreading the recovery because it was not fun. But, we won't have as many Dr. bills this time around because we have met our deductible and out of pocket. YAY God!! :)

Well friends, I hope you have a blessed weekend! Love you all and appreciate all the prayers, comments, and thoughts!

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