Friday, October 18, 2013

Fun with Kyle

Most of my posts are about Zola, and I understand that is why I mostly started this blog to let you in our story with her. I think so often that somehow how children get put before our spouses. It is hard, when our lives pretty much revolve around when they eat, when they sleep, what they are going to do, etc. In those times of focusing on children, we can't leave behind our spouse. So today's post is about mostly about Kyle, the love of my life and truly my best friend.

Lately, Kyle has been working a lot in the evenings. He comes home for dinner, bath time, and bed time... the best part of the day with miss Zola is bath time. ;)  We clean up and then he works until pretty late in the night. I am not complaining about having a hard working husband who provides for our families need by any means, but I have began to miss our evenings together.

When Kyle and I were getting married at one of my showers, everyone was asked to give a piece of marital wisdom. I will never forget what my mother in law said, "Always go to bed together." Now to be honest, I thought why does that really matter? People don't go to bed at the same time all the time. Maybe they work different shifts, or one is a night owl, etc. I have to say though, sometimes when Kyle and I are getting ready for bed we have the most fun of the day. 99% of time we do go to bed together, but these last few weeks have been a little different because of his work schedule. However, on Wednesday he was able to finish up at a decent hour. We laughed so hard that night, I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard ;) Today, I can't tell you a single thing we were laughing about, but I can tell you enjoyed I every second of it.

I get it, it's hard to always be having fun with your spouse. You have duties, whether they are outside the home, inside the home, extracurricular activities with kids, but don't forget to have fun with your spouse. The nights we laugh so hard or stay up late talking about Zola, what God is stirring in our hearts, or about our future I will never forget. I am thankful that I heard those words "Always go to bed together."

Take the time to truly enjoy your spouse this weekend, have fun! Everyone has a different definition of fun, but be intentional and do it. You won't regret it, and it will feel good to enjoy each other and to have those memories.

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