Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Home for a Week and a Half?!

To be honest, I can't even believe I am typing out the sentence that we have been home for a week and a half... with OUR daugher. Yes, that's right, not just home from Ethiopia, but with our sweet Zola.

The night I wrote my last post to Zola was the last night we had to wonder when we were going to have that little girl in our arms. How amazing is that. God answers prayers like no one else can is to say the least.

When Kyle and I were submitted to Embassy we had braced ourselves for the fact that the US Embassy may ask for Zola's birth father to come back once again to the capital to be interviewed. Now, we completely understand why this is asked of so many, but it just didn't sit well with Kyle and I. We had talked numerous times about how hard it must be for the birth parents to come back and reopen this wound. I also understand that this can be a good thing for birth parents, as they get to meet the adoptive family, and maybe they need more closure. But, we just struggled with someone demanding he come back to the capital, travel from his home, miss work, and possibly repoen a wound that he had already started heal from.

With our conversations, came lots of prayers as well. We prayed every night that if he is already healing from this decision, and if he doesn't need that closure, and that if it would be too difficult to leave work then that he wouldn't be asked to come to Addis (the capital) We also prayed for him and that he was healing from this decision and that he is so proud of his decision.

We were pleasantly surprised when we got an email at 3:30 am, but we didn't check it until 6am that we were cleared for Embassy and we needed to send an email with what dates we would like to travel to Ethiopia. We did just that! We got those ducks in a row, and then called a travel agent to book some flights.

I'm going to skip ahead here and tell you that we are all adjusting well. Zola lights up when Kyle or myself come into a room or are playing with her, she gets a huge smile on her face when we come inside from taking a walk, she likes to eat, and she loves to sleep!!

She is sleeping about 12 hours a night with at least one long nap during the day. I think she is loving the quiet and she is growing. We have had visitors and she seems to try to figure everyone out at first, and then warms right up. We are so blessed by all the texts, facebook posts, visits, and most of all prayer. She is one loved little girl!

Once I get my computer up and running I'll add some pictures on here and explain a little more about (both) of our trips.

Thanks for the continued prayers and thoughts, we couldn't be thankful for the support system we have and have had for the past 2  years. God's timing is perfect, because we are so lucky He called us to be her parents.

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