Sunday, July 28, 2013

I Miss You Sweet Girl

So, I realize it's been awhile since I have updated, and a lot has happened. We have now been to Ethiopia and got the word that we legally have a little baby girl now! She is officially part of our family, what a surreal feeling. I promise I will post soon about the days leading up to our trip and our trip.

We have been home for 1.5 months, and boy do we miss that sweet girl. Tomorrow she will be 10 months old and I wish more than anything we could be with her to celebrate or better yet have her home. Just a little letter to our little peanut...

Sweet Zola,
You're 10 months old tomorrow! I can't believe that we have had your picture for 4 months now. A lot has happened in those 4 months, and the best part of that was meeting you. On June 14th, 2013 we arrived in Ethiopia and immediately went to meet you. You didn't cry when we held you, and you stared into our eyes and it went straight into our hearts. We knew we loved you from that very first picture we laid our eyes on, but meeting you was an entirely different story. That first day we met you, we got play with you, make you giggle, and even feed you. Zola, you have been in our dreams for 2 years, but none of those dreams came close to how God blessed us. You are so beautiful, and your eyes pierce right into the depths of our soul. We can't imagine life without you now, you were meant to be a Chaffee, and we couldn't be more thrilled. Baby girl, we are ready for you to be with us forever and ever. We know that everyday won't be perfect, and some days you will be mad at us, but we hope you know in the depths of your soul we love so much. We want you to know that your first dad was such a brave man to let us take you into our family. We want you to know that we are here for you no matter what. Lastly, we want you to know that we have prayed for you every single night for 2 years. We love you sweet girl, and can't wait to see you soon.
daddy and mommy

We are hoping to hear this week whether or not another birth parent interview will be scheduled, or if we clear embassy. We are praying that we clear embassy and we are getting our little Zola home sooner rather than later. If you will join us in prayer, we would so appreciate it. Thanks for all the love and support friends!

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