Thursday, September 15, 2011

Decisions Decisions

So tons has happened since last week, and most of it for the good. Yay!!

On Sunday we celebrated our nephews 1st Birthday! I made some cake pops, and I won't lie, they were pretty stinkin cute! I will post a picture on the bottom of the page tonight. He was adorable as always and his big brother helped him open all of his presents, so cute! On Monday Kyle and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. How fun?! I can't believe it's been 2 years already! It feels like we have been together forever and we are best friends who will never grown apart. 

On Saturday afternoon we had our home study and it went great. Our social worker is super sweet and we got along with her very well. She has adopted 3 kids of her own, so it was great to be able to relate. Everything went very smoothly, and she asked us a question that I had thrown out to Kyle before, and he thought I was nuts. She asked us if we would be open to more than one child. Kyle and I looked at each other and I of course smiled huge, and I could see it in his eyes. He was open to it. We of course asked some questions about it and what that meant, that sort of thing. She said here's what could happen, if you say you are only open to one and you go to Ethiopia and find out the baby has a sibling, and you can't bear the thought of breaking them apart, you will have to stay in Ethiopia longer and get some more paperwork done. Or, you could say you're open to two and not have that worry, but you don't have to accept 2, it is your choice. So, we are open to 2 and we are open to the fact that God may be calling us to siblings. We shall see with time thought. Our agency was very open to this too, and she said we can still put a lot of boundaries on it, or not a lot. It is all in our ballpark. So we are open to siblings, no older than 4 and we would still prefer one of them be baby... but how cool would it be with twins!?! We may be nuts ;)

Our dossier process is still moving along, slowly but surely and I will take that. :) I got my birth certificate in the mail yesterday, which was shocking because mine was the one I was freaking out about and I ordered at least a week later than Kyles. We are still waiting on Kyles, but I'm not stressing about it. It will get done, and there's only so much I can honestly do anyway. Hopefully next weekend I can really sit down and go through what we still need to get done. From my memory, it isn't too much more!!! :)

This weekend we are going to St. Joseph MI where Kyle and I got married. We are going with his mom, dad, the 2 girls, his sister, brother-in-law, and their two boys. We have been looking forward to this all summer, and I cannot explain how excited I am to get away and enjoy each others company. His mom and sister are such joys to talk to, and I love just watching everyone interact with each other. Sometimes I just sit back and watch them, and it will literally bring tears to my eyes because I see how much love they all have for each other. How did I get so blessed with in-laws like that?!

In my last update I had mentioned not wanting to really take any medicine to have our own children. Kyle and I had talked about it and completely agreed. To help us know we made the right decision, I called the Dr. to see how much and what she wanted me to take. She said they would be injections, and she would want to go straight to an IUI. With that entails, blood work, 2 ultra sounds, and tests for Kyle. Also with that is a lot of money out of our pockets because our insurance won't cover any of it, and to me it's still a question mark. It is only 30% chance that it would work, and those odds aren't in our favor. We are open to taking a pill, but it would only be a couple months until my endometriosis would come back. As I write this paragraph, I have a smile on my face, because there aren't questions anymore, there is no gray area.... its black and white now and I can't tell you guys how thankful I am for that. Every month was disappointment, I was constantly reminded that I wasn't going to get the chance to be a mommy... but now I am to maybe two beautiful Ethiopian children. I cannot wait for those moments of seeing their picture, getting to meet them, and just touching them.

Thank you all for the support and knowing people are out there reading, it is much appreciated and I love posting about our journey. 

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