Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Monday Prayers

The next 2 big things on our timeline have happened, and will be happening soon! :)
We were submitted to court on May 2nd, the day after May Day, because Ethiopian court was closed on May Day. I still giggle at the holidays they celebrate. We weren't expecting to get a call from our agency until about this Thursday to find out when the Birth Parent court date, but we were caught by surprise when she called on May 9th to tell me that we got a Birth Parent Court Date for May 27th!!! Our coordinator was about as excited as we were. It was such a great day. Earlier in the week Kyle was saying that he should go to Cincinnati because that's when things happen. Sure enough, Kyle was in Cinci when I got the call.

This Monday, Memorial Day will be when Baby T's birth father goes to the courts and stands before the judge relinquishing his rights as her birth father. What a bittersweet day for us. We are so so happy because it's one step closer to meeting our little girl and making her legally ours. However, it's a bitter day to think that he is losing the most beautiful girl in the world. I can't imagine what that day will feel like for him, but we have been praying for him nightly. If you would join us in prayers for him and his heart, and his emotions we would love that. This may be his first time flying, traveling, etc. on top of letting go legally of his first little girl.

We are also hoping and praying that we find out when we travel very soon. We are hoping it's next week, but found out today it could be the week after. The Ethiopian government has a piece of paper that has to go on our case before getting our court date. We are praying MOWA (the government who has the paper) will have things ready and move quickly. We are praying for this as well.

On Friday we have our big Dr. Appointment day. I just finished my Hep A and B shots this week and Kyle already has his booster shot. We will possibly be getting our Yellow Fever shot and getting general information about traveling to Ethiopia, along with some pills, and ways to prevent getting sick.

We also received our visas in the mail today! We are so ready to go. Not just emotionally but logistically as well. It is all so exciting, but it truly does seem surreal still. I cannot wait to meet her and hold her and give her kisses. I feel like my emotions are bursting at the seams lately.

I'm going to be a mom people!!! I mean seriously and truly be a mom. I cannot believe it. I have had like 3 or 4 close friends tell me they were pregnant. I know I have posted about this before, but I absolutely love to see how The Lord has changed my heart and I'm truly so so happy for them all. It is such a beautiful part of building a family, but I feel so lucky to be building our family through adoption. It hasn't been easy, and there have been lots of tears, and anger, but I couldn't imagine it any other way. And now it's my turn to be a mom!

Prayer is an amazing thing, and I'm so thankful that we have a way to talk to God in our own ways, and He answers things in the most crazy, but amazing ways. Thank you everyone for your prayers, and your continued prayers. We are so blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. Meg-
    Enjoy every single moment of the glow of 'paperwork pregnant.' To see you write it down makes me wish that I had celebrated it more. Enjoy it, rock it out....and get as much sleep as humanly possible. I still wish I would have hit snooze the day Alexa was born...I can't remember the last time I was able to do that!! XOXO -Keri
