Monday, July 25, 2011

A New Chapter

Hello All!

I am starting a blog with a new chapter in life. Kyle and I plan to keep everyone updated on what is going on with our lives, and what new adventures we will be entailing so soon.

The fairy tale story is to get married, have children, and live happily ever after, but for some reason that doesn't always happen. Although Kyle and I have the fairy tale world of marriage, the children part is not as much of a fairy tale as we suspected. We have always known we wanted kids, our plan was 2 of our own, and adopt 2 when we could. Simple enough, or so we thought. After trying for a year, we were sent to a fertility specialist, with of course the fear of finding out we wouldn't be able to have our own children. Our first meeting never indicated that, but our Dr. wanted to run some tests. The time came, Thursday July 21st, we went in for testing, mostly on my end though. I had an HSG, I won't go into the details of that, but lets hope you don't have to do one, it wasn't fun and somewhat painful. Anyway, the results were not what the Dr. was wanting to see. So we went upstairs for an ultrasound to get a better picture of what was going, or lack there of. The results: I had one open tube, with an ovary that was 75% blocked in some way, one tube that was blocked with a great ovary (which doesn't do much good when the tube is blocked), and I have about 3 cysts/fybroids that she was concerned about. I have to have surgery on Aug. 18th to clear all of this stuff. We never heard the words, you won't be able to conceive, and we are very aware of this, but it will be a long road and because insurance doesn't cover any type of infertility treatments, we began the investigation of adoption.

Like I said, we have always wanted to do this, so there have been many a times where I was on the computer looking at countries in need, the requirements, etc. I was usually discouraged, because a lot of countries are 30 or older. After some research we found out the Ethiopia you only have to be 25. :) YAY!!!  So, we looked into multiple agencies and talked with some people, and we sent in our initial application last night. It said the wait was about 48 hours, not even close!! We were accepted in less than 24 hours. As of right now, we are going through IAN adoption agency. It is based out of Colorado, but will do across the US. We didn't put a gender preference on a child, because quite frankly we don't care, we just want to give a child a home. We have however put an age, and we would like a baby. It seems a little selfish at times, but if for some reason we can't have our own, we would love the experience of a baby and just being there for the child for almost their whole life.

Right now, we have some more paperwork to fill out about ourselves and then we will send in half of our fee for the adoption agency. We are both very excited, and Kyle is a little nervous about the process, which I don't blame him, but I am just beside myself right now. There will be stressful times for sure that will be coming up and we are very aware of this, but we also know that God will provide financially and spiritually as we go along this journey. It has seemed like God has closed a couple doors, but God is also opening up so many at the same time. He will not give us more than we can handle, and I am so excited about this journey. We truly couldn't do it without the support of our family and friends. We will do our best to keep everyone up to date as to what is going on and when. I will update tomorrow about the process and how long the process could take and things of that nature. Keep checking in, and hopefully we will have more news soon.

God Bless,
Megan and Kyle

1 comment:

  1. Love the title of this blog! I can't wait to see what is going to happen.
