Thursday, January 2, 2014


I highly doubt I need to tell anyone that life with a one year old is busy. In case you don't know though, it is. It is so busy, but so fun, and makes all the moments I used to have to myself worth it. On top of having a busy 15 month old, I started doing some therapy 2 days a week with one of my favorite families outside of my own.

Besides being busy with Zola and work, we have been busy with the holidays, and family get togethers. As well as trying to spend time with some friends. Lately, one of our biggest questions we have been getting is, " Are you going to adopt again?" Our answer is always yes, but usually what followed the first question is, "When?" That question we haven't been able to answer because we truly didn't know. Our story is so different that I guess I never really thought that people would ask when and are we adopting again. We don't mind it at all, we just didn't have a solid answer.

Kyle and I have talked and talked, honestly it's probably a once a week topic in our conversations. We said we would wait until January to talk about it, but our conversation came a few days early. Kyle and I are so completely content right now, and we truly feel that God is blessing us with that feeling. For 3 years we have longed and waited for Zola, on top of our adoption waiting, we tried to get pregnant for a year. We are plain and simply content. We are excited to take vacations this year, and make memories with Zola and with each other in 2014. For 2 years, we didn't take many vacations so we could save money, and save our days off for our travel to Ethiopia. We are excited to see what this year holds for us as a family.

There may be some people who think we are selfish, but we won't apologize for spending these moments, and let me tell you they go so fast with our sweet girl. We will adopt again, but we will be taking 2014 to save, make memories, and enjoy Zola. Our hearts will always be in Ethiopia, so maybe that will be next, but maybe it won't? We are still praying about what's next, but also enjoying this time of contentment. I truly believe God wants us all to be content, each person's contentment is different, but I hope in 2014, you can find contentment in some area of your life. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Love doesn't have boundries on age or distance. I love all my siblings. You will know when the time is right. =)
